May 12, 2023

Pregnancy & Nursing

Prenatal Peel & Facial


The pregnancy glow is an unfortunate myth for some. Thanks to skyrocketing hormones, more than 50% of pregnant women develop a “pregnancy mask” (melasma) and/or acne. About two-thirds of pregnant women may experience additional skin conditions. Exhaustion and water retention may lead to under-eye pouches, while increased blood flow can cause spider veins across the face. NOTE: active ingredients include mandelic acid (derived from bitter almonds) and peppermint

Please see additional important NOTE below !

Belly Bump Facial


Belly Facials provide the perfect way for mom’s skin to be nourished & relaxed in the gentlest ways. The Belly Facial focuses on mom’s growing belly to soften skin, reduce itching and potentially preventing stretch marks.

For ideal results, treatment can be repeated every 2 weeks after the first trimester.

Please see important NOTE below !

The “Mommy-to-Be” Treatment

The perfect spa gift for expectant mothers !


Specifically tailored to safely care for mothers-to-be, this package consists of several treatments aiding hormonal skin imbalances and addressing the physiological and psychological changes associated with pregnancy.

A gentle Anti-Stress Back Massage nurtures the skin and soothes away muscle tension. The hands and arms are massaged to ease puffiness, leaving them softened and hydrated. Additionally, the feet and legs are massaged to soothe, calm and moisturize. Finally, a Plantomer Masque Facial eases sensitivity, controls breakouts, brightens and hydrates the skin.

This wonderful and exclusive spa treatment will leave “Mom” feeling cared for, relaxed and rejuvenated !

NOTE: While prenatal facials and massages usually get the go-ahead from OB-GYNs, you should always check with your MD first, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy or other complications. Additionally, some treatments are not recommended for pregnant women during their first trimester.